It’s important to pay attention to what your pet is eating, mainly because the commercial pet food industry is not well regulated. We’ve experienced a cultural shift in how we think of our pets, sharing our homes with them and claiming them as members of our families. Now the challenge is to bring our...
I don't see as many cats outdoors these days, but there are still a few strays, cats"owned" by someone but spending lots of time outside, and cats from lovely homes but allowed out for hunting opportunities. Some very enlightened people allow their cats to go out, and I understand it. Cats are hunters, and...
keep your pet safe when moving to a new home, and make the transition as smooth as possible
an 6, 2019How about the PetSmart grooming scandal? Never heard of it? The story broke in September 2018, and many people are just not aware of it. NJ Advance Media conducted an investigation over 14 states beginning in 2008, and found that 32 deaths occurred at the hands of “groomers” at PetSmart. Most of...
Here’s another reason to fight for a ban against puppy mills. Over six years ago, when I adopted my beagle, Reba, I began working on basic commands with her, along with housebreaking. I had to assume she had either lived in an outdoor pen or in a home with a barbarian. That sweet-tempered little...
My home is graced with the presence of two long-haired tortoise shells. Far from identical, they couldn’t be more different. One is the nearly magical Quinn, and there will be more about that beauty in future posts. The other is Lucy, an old, scruffy street cat that came to live with me about three...